What makes you feel good ?

Let’s face it, nothing beats the feel-good vibes crashing into your soul.

Whether that’s:

Waking up early in the morning for a jog and watch the sunrise.

Having your crush replying back to you after 6 years.

TGI Fri-yay where you prepare yourself for the weekends.

Finally got your paycheck so you could be a baller for just one day and eat Maggi the next day.

Or watching those closest to you smile because out of all the bad days they had going on before, you chose to make their day.

There’s just a special feeling whenever we make someone happy and there’s just no way of explaining it.

And because we love them so much, we’d do anything to protect that warm smile of theirs.

One thing’s for sure, we always find a way to show our gratitude to those we care about the most. 

It might be because you’re grateful that they’re always here for you.

Or even because you think they deserve the best you can give.

Sometimes, it’s not really about “what” you give but rather “why” you give.

Whatever your story is, make sure you feel good about it.

So if there’s something you gotta do to cheer or fix someone up, a little gift can go a long way. 

And what better way to start your conversations with a present in hand.